Postgres Cheat Sheet

Techie     July 2022

1 . Connect to postgresql

a). First Option

$ sudo -u postgres psql

a). Second Option

# switch user
$ sudo su - postgres

# connect to postgresql
$ psql

2 . Exit postgres


3 . List databases


# include details like description, tablespace & DB size

4 . Connect to a database

\c database_name

5 . Create a database

create database database_name

6 . Delete a database

drop database database_name

7 . List tables


8 . Describe table

\d table_name

# include more details
\d+ table_name

9 . List users and their roles


10 . Show current user

select current_user;

11 . Show connection information


12 . Rename a database

alter database current_db_name rename to new_db_name;

13 . Grant all permissions on database to user

grant all privileges on database db_name to user_name;

14 . List tables for a schema

\dt name_of_schema.*

15 . Add a comment on a table

Comment on table user is 'App tenant records';

16 . Add a comment on a column

Comment on column is 'Tenant tax identification Number';

17 . Copy table data to CSV file

\copy (SELECT * FROM table_name) TO 'file_path_and_name.csv' WITH CSV

18 . Execute commands from a file

psql mydb -f file.sql

19 . Connect remote PostgreSQL

psql -U user_here -h host_ip_here -p port_here -d db_name_here

# example
psql -U admin -h -p 2506 -d mydb

20 . Generate HTML report

psql -c "\l+" -H postgres > database.html

21 . Print the psql version

psql -V

22 . Force password

psql -W db_name

23 . Connect to a host/port

psql -h localhost -p 5432 db_name

24 . Connect as a specific user

psql -U user_name database_name

25 . Backup all databases

pg_dumpall -U postgres > all.sql

26 . Backup a database

pg_dump -d db_name -f mydb_backup.sql

# Important flags

-a   Dump only the data, not the schema
-s   Dump only the schema, no data
-c   Drop database before recreating
-C   Create database before restoring
-t   Dump the named table(s) only
-F   Format (c: custom, d: directory, t: tar)

27 . Restore a database

psql -U user db_name < mydb_backup.sql

# alternative

pg_restore -d db_name mydb_backup.sql -c

# Important flags

-U   Specify a database user
-c   Drop database before recreating
-C   Create database before restoring
-e   Exit if an error has encountered
-F   Format (c: custom, d: directory, t: tar, p: plain text sql(default))

28 . Import CSV file into table

\copy table FROM '<path>' CSV
\copy table(col1,col1) FROM '<path>' CSV

29 . List table access privileges


30 . Change user password

# a).

# 1. Login into the psql:

$ sudo -u postgres psql

# 2. Then in the psql console change the password and quit:

postgres=# \password postgres
Enter new password: <new-password>
postgres=# \q

# or 

# b). 

# 1. To log in without a password:

sudo -u user_name psql db_name

# 2. To reset the password if you have forgotten:

ALTER USER user_name WITH PASSWORD 'new_password';

Thanks for reading, see you in the next one!