Build a Simple Django Blog App

Techie     January 2021

This tutorial will focus on how to create a standard Django CRUD project.

This tutrial will cover the following:
1. URLs
2. Templates
4. Models
5. Django Admin

If you haven’t installed and configured virtual environment and the virtualenvwrapper on your machine, I have a tutorial that will show you how to. Click here to read it.

1. Create a Virtual Environment

cd into your projects directory and pass the following command to create and activate a new virtual environment named my_website


mkvirtualenv my_website

2. Install the latest version of Django


pip install django

Verify and check the version installed

django-admin --version

3. Create the Django Project


django-admin startproject my_website

# cd into the project:

cd my_website

Run the development server to make sure everything is ok so far

python runserver

Now if you navigate to http://localhost:8000/ on your browser and you should see something like this:

missing image

Now close the development server with Ctrl + C 

4. Create a Django App

A django project can have multiple apps in it. For example, you can have an ecommerce app and a blog app within one project. With this approach, Django allows you to manage the apps independently and you can easily move your apps into other projects if need be.


python startapp blog

Open the file and specify the allowed hosts as well as add the blog app to installed apps. You should have something similar to this: missing image

At this point, the project tree should resemble this: missing image

6. Create a Templates Directory

If you are familiar with Ruby on Rails, Templates in Django are the equivalent of Views in Rails. Basically, this is where the HTML files go. Open the blog directory and create a directory called templates.

7. Create a Blog Sub-Directory

Within the templates directory, create a sub-directory called blog. For every app in your project, you must create a sub-directory within the templates directory with the same name as your app. For instance, if we created another app in our project called ecommerce, we would then create a sub-directory inside templates directory called ecommerce.

That’s it! You have successfully set up, configured and tested python.

See you in the next tuts